
Take time to read, it is the foundation of wisdom.

Take time to be friendly, it is the road to happiness.

Take time to dream, it is hitching your wagon to a star.

Take time to love and be loved, it is the privilege of the Gods.

Take time to look around, it is too short a day to be selfish.

Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul.



不過,卻也出現了不同的出處 (eg.: Irish, English, Bible,...)

總之就是要做好時間管理 XD


加菜:(反正一定會有很多版本 :P)

Take time to think, it is the source of all power. 
Take time to play, it is the source of perpetual youth. 
Take time to be quiet, it is the opportunity to seek God. 
Take time to be aware, it is the opportunity to help others. 
Take time to love and be loved, it is God's greatest gift. 
Take time to dream, it is what the future is made of. 
Take time to pray, it is the greatest power on earth. 
Take time to give, it is too short a day to be selfish. 

There is a time for everything. . . .[Ecclesiastes 3:1-8] Bible 


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